The Grapeland Easter Egg-Stravaganza is an annual event that brings together the community of Grapeland, Texas. Hosted by churches, organizations, businesses, and individuals, this event is designed for children aged 0-12. Thousands of eggs are hidden throughout the park for the kids to find, making it an exciting and fun-filled experience.
Apart from the Easter egg hunt, the event also includes a dramatic telling of the resurrection story and the true meaning of Easter. The final days of Jesus leading up to the resurrection are narrated and acted out, reminding everyone of the significance of the holiday.
In addition to the egg hunt and the storytelling, drawings are held for prizes, and there are also bounce houses to keep the kids entertained. Snacks are available throughout the event, and families can take photos with the Easter Bunny.
The Grapeland Easter Egg-Stravaganza is held on the Saturday before Easter each year at the Grapeland City Park. It is an excellent opportunity for the community to come together, have fun, and celebrate the holiday in a meaningful way.
Mark your calendars and make sure to attend this event with your loved ones next year.