2023 Seder Meal

2023 Seder Meal

Light On A Hill Church continued their celebration of the Easter season by holding a Seder Meal the Thursday before Easter Sunday. It was an opportunity to learn more about the meal Jesus shared with his disciples in the upper room right before his arrest and crucifixion.

It was an interactive demonstration of a Seder Meal but focused on finding Christ in the meaning of the elements. Each person had their own Seder plate with the various elements such as matza, parsley, lettuce, horseradish, roasted egg, and charoset a mixture made with apples, walnuts, cinnamon and honey.

As part of the Seder the members and their guests shared a time of fellowship over a potluck meal. The evening was closed out with the observance of communion.

Everyone not only left with a better understanding of the meaning of the Passover meal but also how it relates to the Christian ordnance of taking communion.


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